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Installing Ruby on Rails Environment on Ubuntu

By Rails, Ruby, Ubuntu No Comments
I have recently joined a bootcamp for Ruby on Rails and thought it might be a good idea to share what I believe to be a decent startup guide on how you should setup your server. By no means is this the "best" configuration around, but it's just an easy step by step guide I'm making based on the tutorials/books I've read on setting up the server. For this, I used the free Amazon Web Service's Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS 64bit Server. Once you have logged in successfully via SSH, just follow these steps to get you started on getting an environment that can safely run your Ruby on Rails application. Note: If you are not sure how to access your server via SSH, follow the guide by Amazon here. Where it says "Run", all you need to do is copy the text that is in bold and paste it into the command…
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